Terminal Efficiency in Degree Programs and their Relation with Educational Quality

Although equity continues to be the main challenge for the Mexican Educational System and the fact that the Federal Government dedicated a great amount of its efforts toward expanding this system throughout most of the past century, the truth of the matter is that the quality of educational services has not been approached with the same zeal. Educational quality deals with concepts such as pertinence, coverage, effectiveness and efficiency and it becomes easily discernable, under this concept, to conceive the problems of low terminal efficiency, academic fallback and desertion as manifestations of a lack of quality of the educational process. The results of a study related with said parameters and carried out in a sample comprised of five generations within the Civil Engineering program at the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, are presented here with the purpose of identifying the causes related to the low terminal efficiency affecting our programs. A series of alternatives seeking to turn these indexes around and increase the effectiveness of academic plans is being proposed here, alternatives which may be converted into actions leading toward a greater promotion of engineering careers, modifications to curricular plans and an increase in effectiveness regarding individual tutoring.

Key words

Quality, terminal efficiency, dropping out, effectiveness, university.

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Pérez, J.A. (2006). La Eficiencia Terminal en Programas de Licenciatura y su Relación con la Calidad Educativa. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 4(1), pp.130-148.
http://www.rinace.net/arts/vol4num1/art9.pdf. Cited (Date).