Factors that Affect Academic Performance of Mexican Students in Secondary Education. A Study of School Effectiveness

This study analyses the three main standardized evaluations applied in Mexico, to secondary age students. These test are “Pruebas nacionales” from INEE, “EXANI-I” from CENEVAL, and “PISA” from ODCE. All of them include several variables about students’ background as well as school and teachers’ factors. Based on HLM models, the different student, teacher and school factors were identified and quantified. The main results are consistent with general results found in the literature; however, some differences have to be stated, especially for the private school.

Key words

School effectiveness, Mexico, middle schools, School quality, factors that impact school performance, in particular for private schools..

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Carvallo, M. (2006).Factores que Afectan el Desempeño de los Alumnos Mexicanos en Edad de Educación Secundaria. Un Estudio Dentro de la Corriente de Eficacia Escolar. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 4(3), pp. 30-53.
http://www.rinace.net/arts/vol4num3/art3.pdf. Cited (Date).