Notes To debate on School Management in Political Key.
A Glance by the Situation in Argentina


This article discussed the school management from a political perspective. This is translated in an analysis approach of the management that the investigation around the decision processes opens, to the forms of circulation of the power and the networks of control, to the coexistence of the diverse rationalities in the school. This approximate us to which it happens inside the schools, in his daily lives with a glance that includes so much factors that affect the management from outside of the schools.

Key words

School management, educational reform, leadership.

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Sverdlick, I. (2006). Apuntes para debatir sobre la gestión escolar en clave política. Una mirada por la situación en Argentina. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 4(4e), pp. 65-84. Cited (Date).