To Advise or  Direct, The Role of the Collaborative Advisor in a Permanent Formation Centered in the Teachers and the Context


The field of teacher formation and the permanent formation model pursued during recent years are analyzed in this article. Attention is paid to the new elements that have acted as driving forces for an innovative thinking process. Conditions for change in the teacher formation are also analyzed; said conditions have changed the view of the formative product; more specifically a shift from assimilation to diversified vision. Finally the assessing function and the models for the needed formation are further studied. There is a need for Advisors that, in a collaborative way, help to rebuild an educational practice.

Key words

Consulting, Direction, Permanent Formation, Educational Practice.

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Imbernon, F. (2007). Asesorar o Dirigir. El Papel del Asesor/a Colaborativo en una Formación Permanente Centrada en el Profesorado y en el Contexto. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 5(1), pp. 145-152. Cited (Date).