Pre-school in Brasil

This paper shows the evolution of enrolment in pre-schooland and day-care in Brazil, using data collected by National Housing Surveys conducted by IBGE and School Censuses. Using data from the Brazilian assessment (SAEB) of 2003, the paper shows a positive association between performance in mathematics and entering in pre-school or day-care. The data is controlled by a social-economical index of the students. The paper stresses that it is necessary to improve the quality of day-care and pre-school.

Key words

SAEB, PNAD, School Census, Pre-school.

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Klein, R. (2007). A Pré-escolar no Brasil. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 5(2e), pp. 274-289. Cited (Date).