Application of the Model of Generalized Partial Credit in the Evaluation of Project
SESI - To one Alphabetized Brazil

Eduardo de São Paulo, Betina Silvestri Miranda, José Gonçalves Moreira Neto y Luiz Alexandre Rodrigues da Paixão

This paper aims to describe the application of the Item Response Theory (IRT) to study the behavior of tests and items from mother language and numeracy exams applied to 2.800 youth and adults that concluded Programa SESI - Por um Brasil Alfabetizado literacy initiative. The data analyses procedure made use of generalized partial credit model, proposed by Muraki (1992). The model appeared to be adequate to the data, indicating that the items correspond to its assumptions. Information is shown on the tests precision, throughout their information curves. The procedures presented also the characteristic and information curves of the items, some of them being presented in this document.

Key words

Item Response Theory, generalized partial credit, proficiency, test information curve.

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De São Paulo, E., Silvestri, B., Gonçalves, J. y Rodrigues, L.A. (2007). Aplicação do Modelo de Crédito Parcial Generalizado na Avaliação do Projeto SESI - por um brasil alfabetizado. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 5(2e), pp. 24-38. Cited (Date).