Before and after: National Identity versus a European 0ne

The paper studies political socialization via the introduction of the euro in the 12 countries of the European Monetary Union. Teenagers’ (14 to 18-year-old) attitudes towards the euro and their social representations of the euro are compared during two steps of the introduction of this new currency (January 15th - February 15th 2002 when the euro first became the single currency of the European Monetary Union, and one year later, from January 15th to the end of February 2003). It is assumed that the feeling of belonging to Europe, along with the impression of being European, might change with the simultaneous issuance of the common European currency in the twelve countries of the euro-zone. It can be concluded that, via the example of the introduction of a single currency at the same time in the 12 countries belonging to the European Monetary Union, this important economic and political change has produced a specific fundamental modification, producing a much broader feeling of territorial belonging, going from a national identity feeling to a European feeling of belonging. Data concerning the influence of the euro in relation with becoming more European are discussed.

Key words

Identity, attitudes, social representation, euro

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Roland-Lévy. C. (2007). Before and after: National Identity versus a European One. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 5(4), pp. 161-171. Cited (Date).