The Use of Learning Strategies and his Correlation with the Motivation
of Achievement in Students

Noting that the motivational readiness of the students when addressing the content and form of processing to achieve a significant learning is that the need arises to determine whether a relationship exists between the quality of the learning strategies they use and the powers that motivational stimulating learning.

In the present study correlacional, based on the information obtained in the application of the Inventory of Schmeck's Learning strategies and the Scale of Attribution of Motivation of Weiner's Achievemen, it was possible to determine a positive and significant correlation between the use of learning strategies and the motivation of achievement in the students of the subjects of General Biochemistry and Biochemistry of the Food of the career of Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of the Mar Sede Copiapó.

Key words

Learning strategies, motivation of profit, significant learning, learning styles, focus partner.

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Cid, S. (2008). El Uso de Estrategias de Aprendizaje y su Correlación con la Motivación de Logro en los Estudiantes. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 6(3), pp. 100-120. Cited (Date).