Full professor at the University of Geneva. His main research expertise is in sociology of educational policies and evaluation of educational systems. He teaches and publishes on efficiency and equity in educational systems, international comparisons in the field of education, sociology of educational policies, educational inequalities, school segregation theory and quantitative methods in social sciences. He founded and directs the Geneva group for educational policy analysis (GGAPE). He has published numerous articles and books on schooling and school inequalities such as in 2019, School segregation in France: inequality of origins and origin of inequalities In X. Bonal, C. Bellei & A. Tarabini (Eds.). School segregation in Europe and Latin America. London: Bloomsbury Publishing (with Barbara Fouquet-Chauprade and Samuel Charmillot). His most recent work is the second edition of Les inégalités scolaires, Presses Universitaires de France, 2020.