Publication Norms

1. It only be accepted unpublished manuscript and original.

2. The manuscript may be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

3. There is not a definite length for articles, but it is recommended contributions of no more than 8.000 words and no less from 6000.

4. Manuscript will be submitted as the following order and structure:

  • Title of the article, as illustrative and concise as possible, written first in Spanish and then in English, containing a recommended length of between 8 and 12 words.

  • Name and Surname of the authors, considering the signature form for indexing in international databases.

  • Professional affiliation of each of the authors, and the country in which it is located. Your reference will be identified next to the author's name with Arabic numerals in parentheses.

  • Abstract (in Spanish/Portuguese and English), it will have an approximate length between 200 and 250 words. The summary will follow the IMRD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). In the case of literature reviews (specially meta-analysis), the work will be summarized without dividing it into these four sections.

  • Keywords (in Spanish/Portuguese and English), below the abstract will be specified 5 key words obtained from the UNESCO Thesaurus.

  • Text of the manuscript: In case of empirical articles they should adjust as far as possible to the following sections: Introduction, Review of the literature, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References.

    • Introduction: It is the general presentation of the article, there will justify the importance of the research problem addressed.

    • Review of the literature: It must collect a review of the literature on the aspect studied, using the bibliographic citations strictly necessary. It will not include data or conclusions of the work presented. Presents the objective of the investigation.

    • Method: It will be presented with the precision that is convenient for the readers to understand and confirm the development of the research. In the case of using quantitative methodology, the Method section will be organized in the following subsections: methodological approach, variables, sample and sampling, instruments for obtaining information, field work and data analysis. In the case of qualitative methodology, the contents will be: methodological approach, categories of analysis, participants, instruments for obtaining information, field work and data analysis.

    • Results: They will appear in a logical sequence in the text, tables or figures, and the same data should not be repeated in all of them. Efforts will be made to highlight important observations. The observations made with the material and methods used will be described, without interpreting or making value judgments.

    • Discussion and Conclusions: They will summarize the findings, relating the observations themselves with other studies of interest and pointing out the contributions, limitations of both. The data or other material already mentioned in other sections should not be repeated in detail. Mention the inferences of the findings and their limitations, including deductions for future research. Link the conclusions with the objectives of the study, avoiding free statements and conclusions not supported completely by the work data.

    • References: The references that have DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) must appear with their corresponding link. The rules of the APA must be followed obligatorily (APA 7ª ed). Here are some examples of references:

Journal articles:

Murillo, F. J. (2016). Midiendo la segregación escolar en América Latina. Un análisis metodológico utilizando el TERCE [Measuring school segregation in Latin America. A methodological analysis using the TERCE]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 14(4), 33-60.


Murillo, F. J. (Coord.). (2017). Avances en liderazgo y mejora de la educación. Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Liderazgo y Mejora de la Educación [Advances in leadership and improvement of education. Proceedings of the I International Congress of Leadership and Improvement of Education]. RILME.


Bolivar, A. & Murillo, F. J. (2017). La escuela importa. Los efectos diferenciales de la escuela y el liderazgo en la equidad [School matters. The differential effects of school and leadership on equity]. In J. Weinstein y G. Muñoz (Eds.), Mejoramiento y liderazgo en la escuela. Once miradas (pp. 71-112). CEDLES.

  • Other aspects to consider:

    • Acknowledgments: Authors should include information about scholarships, grants or financial support that has been counted (Research Projects) for the subsidy of work and other specifications, when appropriate.

    • Bibliographic citations should be extracted from the original documents, always indicating the initial and final page of the work from which they come. In order to ensure consistency, at any time during the editorial process, the Journal's management may require the authors to send the first page (photocopy) of each of the articles cited in the bibliography.

    • Tables: Should be numbered in order of appearance in the text with Arabic numbers. It will be used to clarify important point not accepting the double documentation in the form of tables and figures. The authors should include each Table with its own title and foodnote.

    • Figures: Should be numbered in order of appearance in the text with Arabic numeral. It will be considered figures all kind of photography, graphics or draws. It will be assigned an Arabic numeral in order of appearance in the text. The authors should include each Figure with its own title and foodnote.

    • Abbreviations: Only internationally accepted standard abbreviation should be used. When it is pretended to shorten a frequently used term in the text, the correspondent abbreviation, in parenthesis, the first time it appears should be accompanied. Roman numerals will not be used in the text, using for the decimal the comma to the right of the zero in case of manuscripts written in Spanish/Portuguese, an using the point in case of manuscripts written in English. The commercial names will not be used unless is necessary, in which case the first time will be accompanied by the symbol.