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Dare to be Creative: Steps to be Creative


The study of creativity as a basic element of human development from its inception has given keys to development competencies and skills in people to enable them to cope with autonomy ever changing environments by the dynamics social, economic and labor in which countries are immesed today. For different researchers and to those labor markets is related to creativity and innovation responses to problems arising from the news demands of consumers. entrepreneurship education is presented an opportunity for entrepreneurs to work and develop their creativity. This type of education and institutional support policies through Entrepreneurship and self-employment can strengthen the production and business Spanish through a network of people innovative to meet the challenge that is generating the economic crisis currently affecting the countries. Creativity applied through entrepreneurship education can lead to improvements in the professional transition process ​​by workers from the end or drop out to school until entering in the labor market.

Key words

Creativity, consciousness, unconscious processing, creative process, creativity quantum creative system of human organs "in".

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Menchén, F. (2012). Atrévete a ser Creativo: Pasos para ser Creativo. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 10 (2), pp. 248-263.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol10num1/art16.pdf. Cited (Date).