REICE 2013 - Volumen 11, Número 3
Organizational Strategies for Preventing Student Dropout in Higher Technological Education

Dropping out from Higher Education in Mexico is a social problem that affects young people in university age; therefore is necessary to study this concern. This study was developed in two higher technological universities where engineering education is offered. To address this phenomenon, we used Tinto´s model. The variables analyzed thorough qualitative research was: psychological, social, economic, organization and interaction. Results indicate that the organizational factor is preponderant to prevent dropout; thus, organizational strategies are proposed to approach the situation.

Key words
Higher education, Dropout, Educational management, Undergraduate students, Engineering, Qualitative research.
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Garza-Carranza, M.T. de la, Balmori-Méndez, E.R., & Galván-Romero, M. (2013). Estrategias organizacionales en universidades de corte tecnológico para prevenir la deserción estudiantil. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 11(3), 31-57.
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