REICE 2013 - Volumen 11, Número 3
The Performativity in Education. The Construction of The New Teacher and the New Performative Manager

This article analyzes the construction of the performativity culture in education. It is a culture that was born after the implementation of different mechanisms of privatization in education. The administration assessment incorporates standardized assessment tests, merit pay for teachers and new public management. These mechanisms are new policy technologies that produce institutional control. In this work we present results from a qualitative research. We studied six schools that are implementing “The quality and improvement program of the school performance in Andalusia”.

This program produces the performativity culture in the public school. We present the creation of “new teachers” and “new managers”. We analyze some identity changes, social interactions and values that are produced for the performativity culture in the schools.

Key words
Performativity, Endogenous mechanisms, Standardized assessment, Merit pay, Identity, Educational policy, Teachers, Managers
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Luengo, J., & Saura, G. (2013). La Performatividad en la Educación. La Construcción del Nuevo Docente y el Nuevo Gestor Performativo. . REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 11(3), 139-153.

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