REICE 2015 - Volume 13, No 2
Bibliometric Analysis on Assessment of People with Intellectual Disabilities for Entry into Special Education Services

The theme of this article is the evaluation of intellectual disability for inclusion in special education services. This is a study that examined the Brazilian scientific production on this topic represented by articles, doctoral theses and dissertations. The methodology adopted was based on bibliometric analysis, with quantitative and qualitative approach to the analysis of the results. The results showed the predominance of assessment models intellectual disabilities with educational focus, contradictions between the concepts of disability, and the evaluation criteria, lack of common evaluation criteria, doubts about the effectiveness of the evaluation as a tool to aid the teaching and learning process and favorable opinion to the understanding of intellectual disability in a multidimensional approach, in which the social context is valued.

Key words
Intellectual disability, Special education, Bibliometric analysis.
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Stelmachuk, A.C.L. & Hayashi, M.C.P. (2015). Análise bibliométrica sobre avaliação de pessoas com deficiência intelectual para ingresso em serviços de Educação Especial. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 13(2), 27-49.
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