REICE 2015 - Volume 13, No 2
Defining Identity: the “Canciongrama” as a Methodological Tool of Self-knowledge

This paper presents the results of a study about the role of songs in different aspects of our identity. It has been carried out through the development, analysis and interpretation of autobiographical accounts (canciogramas). We analyze the role of music focusing on the process of (re) construction of who we are from the moments / experiences that leave their mark and have associated with songs. Thus we assess the possibility of using them as teaching resources to work the existing formal and informal link between music and identity in formal educational environments. We used a qualitative methodology of narrative cut, deepening biographical research. Through life stories perceive the impact of music in the way we think, feel and act on certain issues and realities (love, hate, death, entertainment, etc.) interpreting the meaning and significance of the songs as a means of communication time to know each other better, develop and grow as human beings by a reflective and analytical process on our self.

Key words
Music, Identity, Biography staff, Education, Methodology, Qualitative analysis.
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Colomo, E. & Domínguez Martín, R. (2015). Definiendo identidades: el “canciograma” como herramienta metodológica de autoconocimiento. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 13(2), 131-146.
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