REICE 2015 - Volume 13, No 3
Index for Inclusion. Developing Learning and Participation in Schools: New Revised and Expanded Edition

This article presents the Spanish translation of the Index for inclusion third edition, edited by Booth and Ainscow in 2011. This is a new revised and expanded version, especially in two directions: the values underlying the inclusive education and the proposal of a curriculum concerned with sustainability. This is a useful tool to guide self-reflection, the participation and dialogue between the different members of the educational community. The last aim of this guide is to build educational spaces that promote the participation and increase their competency to respond to students’ diversity, ensuring equity and quality.

Key words
Inclusive education, Inclusive values, Teacher reflection, Curriculum design, School improvement.
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Booth, T., Simón, C., Sandoval, M., Echeita, G., & Muñoz, Y. (2015). Guía para la Educación Inclusiva. Promoviendo el aprendizaje y la participación en las escuelas: Nueva edición revisada y ampliada. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 13(3), 5-19.
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