REICE 2018 - Volume 16, No 1
I, with You. The Programme of Mediation among Equals, from the Perspective of an Example of Life

Learning to manage conflicts between people is vital to the development of a civic mindset and peaceful coexistence. Schools are filled with conflicts between the individuals who converge there. Some schools opt for new methods of conflict resolution, from punishment to dialogue and reflection of students, such as is the mediation among equals. The objective of this research is to know how the program of mediation among equals is developed, and what the function of the psychopedagogue in it is. For that, in this narrative biographical research, we will build the history of a psychopedagogue that implemented the programme of mediation among equals in a secondary education center, analyzing how the process went and what its function has been, taking into account the voices of the people involved in the whole process. The results advance the need for a team formed in mediation, in addition to an awareness of the entire educational community, with the purpose of being able to settle in the center a culture where the dialogue and the equality are referring. Thus, the psychopedagogue becomes an agent of pedagogical change and renewal, working collaboratively with the educational community to improve coexistence in the center.

Key words
Conflict resolution; Mediation; Biographies; Peace education; Educational psychology.
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Lacuesta-Vizcaino, D., & Traver-Martí, J. A. (2018). Yo, contigo. El programa de mediación entre iguales, desde la perspectiva de un ejemplo de vida. [I, with You. The programme of mediation among equals, from the perspective of an example of life]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 16(1), 53-71.