REICE 2018 - Volume 16, No 2
Students’ Conceptions about Creativity: A Case Study in 3rd Cycle of Basic Education

Creativity is a multifaceted term and in complex definition, due to the different definitions that have appeared over the years. However, in spite of this, its importance today is essential, especially in a quality educational context. To this end, the students of the 3rd cycle of basic education were given the opportunity to identify probable concepts referring to the meaning of creativity. An investigation study was developed during the school years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. The methodology used was a case study design. The case study consisted of a case study, multiple, consisting of three cases, Case I, Case II and Case III, referring respectively to the three years of schooling (7th, 8th and 9th), involving five classes from two groups of public schools in the north of Portugal. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire. In the data treatment, was opted for the analysis of the content of the answers given by the students participating in this questionnaire survey and the formulation of analysis categories. The results allowed to conclude that the conceptions of creativity of the participants are different. In Case I, the conception of creativity of these students is associated with Imagination, while in the other two cases (Case II and III), creativity was characterized as being something new and different.

Key words
Creativity; Public education; Case studies; Basic education; Students.
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Rodrigues, A., Catarino, P., Aires, A. P., & Campos, H. (2018). Conceções de alunos sobre criatividade: Um estudo de caso no 3º ciclo do ensino básico. [Students’ conceptions about creativity: A case study in 3rd cycle of basic education]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 16(2), 99-115.