REICE 2019 - Volume 17, No 2
Graduation Evaluation of the BA in Physical Activity and Sports of the UABC: A Comprehensive Achievement

With the intention of having information to support evaluation of the educational program of the Bachelor Degree on Physical Activity and Sports of the Autonomous University of Baja California an assessment exercise was performed at the end of the undergraduate education. Through a comprehensive evaluation approach, two instruments were designed. The first of them focused on identifying the knowledge and professional skills of the graduates in accordance with the curriculum of the educational program in question, and the other, focused on identifying the interpersonal skills related to a successful exit from this level of studies. The article shows psychometric results of the instruments, as well as the general results of the participants in the different campuses of the university. Conclusions addresses the relevance of the results as an input for didactic planning processes and curricular improvement of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports. As well, the article addresses the importance of the evaluation approach used, which highlights the participation of the academic community in the formation of the information generated, as well as the scope and limitations of an evaluation of this type.

Key words
Student evaluation; Written exam; Formative evaluation; Professional training; Physical education.
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Jiménez, J. A., Machado, J. P., Caso, J., & Arrayales, E. M. (2019). Evaluación del egreso de la licenciatura en actividad física y deportes de la UABC: Un ejercicio comprensivo [Graduation evaluation of the BA in physical activity and sports of the UABC: A comprehensive achievement]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 17(2), 123-146.