REICE 2020 - Volume 18, No 2
Catalan Rural Schools Teachers’ Skills to Face the Territorial Dimension in the Multigrade Classroom

This paper presents the partial results that gathered in a descriptive study made inside the FOPROMAR Project (2017-1-ES01-KA201-038217). It shows the results from the Questionnaire Teaching Skills' Rural School Teachers (CC-PER) passed to Catalan rural school’s teachers (n = 276). Furthermore, background data, this questionnaire had 30 competences classified in these areas: pedagogical competences; methodological competences and relationship school-territory competences. The goal of this questionnaire was to evaluate the value and the master of the teaching skills in the territorial dimension by the rural school teachers who participated in this study. The descriptive statistics (mean; standard deviation and the variance) were the basis of the data analysis. In addition, the Cronbach Alpha index showed the consistency between the score obtained to every competence area. The main results indicate that skills selected and included in this questionnaire are useful to evaluate the territorial dimension; the mastering of this skills are less appreciating than the grade of value of these skills; and finally, it's necessary these differences should be considered to design specific teaching degrees or master degrees.

Key words
Basic education; Rural education; Occupational qualifications; Teaching profession; Teacher education schools.
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Boix, R. & Buscà, F. (2020). Competencias del profesorado de la escuela rural catalana para abordar la dimensión territorial en el aula multigrado [Catalan rural schools teachers’ skills to face the territorial dimension in the multigrade classroom]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 18(2), 115-133.