REICE 2020 - Volume 18, No 3
Factors that Influence the Use of Educational Software in Mathematics Teaching

This paper aims to explore and describe fundamental factors that influence the knowledge and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in particular of Educational Software (ES) as a tool, by teachers who teach mathematics in any portuguese teaching cycle. The adopted method has a descriptive and exploratory nature, focusing on a quantitative paradigm. The study participants were 96 teachers who teach mathematics, from various elementary and secondary schools, from different regions of Portugal, as well as from other countries where the portuguese curriculum is inserted. The questionnaire, the chi-square independence test and Cramer's V test were used as instruments. Data analysis was performed using SPSS (version 25) and Excel (Office 2016). The results suggest that the age, gender and length of service of mathematics teachers may be factors that influence the knowledge and use of Kahoot ES and that having training may be an essential condition for the use of Modellus and Scratch ESs. We did not find any relationship of dependence between having training and the use of the rule and compass ES by the respondents.

Key words
ICT; Educational software; Teachers; Mathematics; Learning.
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Nunes, P. S., Nascimento, M. M., Catarino, P. y Martins, P. (2020). Fatores que influenciam o uso de software educativo no ensino de matemática [Factors that influence the use of educational software in mathematics teaching]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 18(3), 113-129.