REICE 2020 - Volume 18, No 4
Segregation and School Exclusion of First Generation Pupils with a Migrant Background: From Integration to Disintegration

A comprehensive review of abundant researches and training plans about cultural diversity persistently refers us to students’ integration school concept with a migrant background. However, their unequal and not very encouraging academic path lead us to an inexcusable disintegration and school exclusion of them. The polarization and segregation of schools, the dropout from the education system in secondary school and the low rate of such students at university confirm the reckless disharmony produced in the last three decades, due to the lack of quality, equity and educational efficiency in this subject management. The aim of this work is to analyse, in a transversal way, pedagogical and institutional aspects associated with the care of migrant students and their link with their segregation and exclusion from school, such as low involvement of migrant families in the school dynamic, scarce teacher training, teacher rotation, absence of intercultural mediators, etc. All of that is to encourage reflection on possible inclusive, coherent and forceful responses that will guarantee the school success of the next generation, but this question does not only deserve academic interest, also it is a matter of moral, political, and social urgency.

Key words
Segregation; Migrant students; Inclusion; Exclusion; School.
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Chamseddine, M. (2020). Segregación y exclusión escolar de la primera generación de alumnado de origen migrante: De la integración a la desintegración [Segregation and school exclusion of first generation pupils with a migrant background: From integration to disintegration]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 18(4), 363-378.