REICE 2021 - Volume 19, No 3
The Rubric as an Instrument for the Evaluation of Final Degree Project

This work analyzes the perceptions of university students towards the use of the rubric, ones it has been validated by means of expert judgment, for the evaluation of academic performance in the elaboration of the "End of Degree Work". Once designed the rubric, it has been validated by 10 university professors, who have considered the validity of the proposed criteria, as well as its descriptors and performance levels. Subsequently, it has been conduct a qualitative analysis of the perceptions of the students involved in this experience using the technique of semi-structured interviews (n = 30). The results show that the student values highly the use of the rubric in the teaching-learning process, having a guide, a reference system with which to know the key aspects for the evaluation of the work, making visible the quality requirements demanded, as well as the evaluation and qualification system to be used by the teaching staff. It facilitates the activity and autonomy of the student in the face of learning in Higher Education; it is an innovative process proposed in university teaching and that favors the reflective educational practice in the student.

Key words
Higher education; Rubric; Evaluation; Teaching-learning process; Final degree project.
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Pegalajar, M. C. (2021). La rúbrica como instrumento para la evaluación de trabajos fin de grado [The rubric as an instrument for the evaluation of final degree project]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 19(3), 77-96.