Comparing Inequality of School Achievements in Primary and Secondary Education in Argentina: A Multilevel Comparative Study

A comparative analysis is made on the effects of gender, student’s social standing and schools socioeconomic context in Mathematics and Language Study achievements of 6th grade primary students, and last year middle school students in Argentina. With data obtained from the Secondary End Level National Census (Censo Nacional de Finalización del Nivel Secundario) and the National Education Quality Evaluation Operative; Primary Census (Operativo Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad Educativa), both performed by the Nation’s Ministery of Education and Culture (Ministerio de Cultura y Educación de la Nación). For the analysis of this data, a 3 level model (student, school and province) was used. This exercise occurs under the theory of educational distributive justice and the concept of educational opportunity equality. Comparative conclusions are drawn about the magnitude and makeup of the educational inequality in both levels of the system. Findings show that the performance distribution is affected by the extreme institutional socioeconomic segmentation of the system. The magnitude of the inequality is similar in primary and secondary education, but there are several particularities that differentiate both strata. The existence of an important variation in the levels of institutional educational equality is proven.

Key words

School achievement, educational inequality, mathematics, language, multilevel analysis, primary education, secondary education.

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Cervini, R. (2009).Comparando la Inequidad en los Logros Escolares de la Educación Primaria y Secundaria de Argentina: Un Estudio Multinivel Comparativo. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(1), pp. 5-21. Cited (Date).