Science and Education in Latinamerica:
The Environment of its Curricular and Didactical Complexity

At the beginning of the XXI century the identification of the regional problems in Latin America seems to emerge from a common denominator: education, and more specifically, scientific and technological instruction. From this fact, the remarkable deterioration of its economies, the instability of its public politics, and the rupture of the societal structure can be explained nowadays. In the present work, the advantages of the rethinking of scientific education in everyday practice, the teaching and learning for living, from a holistic perspective, which assures, in a medium term, the consolidation of the scientific culture needed for a convivial and equal atmosphere, as a new way of taking the inescapable compromise with democracy, are analyzed from a reflective and critical point of view, and at the same time doing a proposal.

Key words

Learning, science, society, technology.

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Villarruel, M. (2009). Ciencia y Educación en América Latina: los Entornos de su Complejidad Curricular y Didáctica. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(1), pp. 66-75. Cited (Date).