Teaching Staff and their Introducction to the Mathematics Class.
A Proyect with Models and new Technologies

An investigation was conducted keeping in mind the design, development and evaluation of a introduction of software based math course in symbolic calculus and liner algebra model-making for the teaching staff; stressing mathematic contents at a school context. A methodology for evaluating educational programs was used, oriented towards the evaluation of design, developments and results of the introductory program. This article presents the results of related to both objective and subjective cognitive dimensions; obtained during the implementation of the program. The mathematical and didactical competences of the participants showed through during the use of the software for algebra based problem resolution; especially in the diverse representations used; allowing for a significant learning and comprehension of the concepts presented on physical, natural and social phenomena.

Key words

Introduction seminar for mathematics teachers, school level linear algebra, symbolic calculus systems, mathematical modeling.

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Paredes, Z., Iglesias, M. y Ortiz, J. (2009). Los Docentes y su Formación Inicial hacia el Aula de Matemática. Una Propuesta con Modelización y Nuevas Tecnologías. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(1), pp. 85-102.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol7num1/art6.pdf. Cited (Date).