Value Formation and School Effectiveness

Referencing school effectiveness and value formation for public school students in Mexico implies putting them into the context in which they occur. This demands constant achievement for some students in order to maintain their place in the system and continue with their studies.

In this case, school effectiveness could be achieved if the institution would face the fundamental goals for which it was created, learning, knowledge, construction, socialization, education, real value practice, in sum, the complete upbringing of a citizen useful for him/herself and the for society. Unfortunately, institutions tend to shift away from these goals and school effectiveness is understood by the community as the regular attainment of good grades. That is the goal to be reached and not the construction of knowledge and value practice to which the students could have access.

This reality, more than any other element, activity, and fact that it brings with it, finds itself full of actions that determine which values get through the educational act and by which condition school effectiveness cannot be attained. By correspondence of this educational level to those before them, given their insertion in the public education, it is easy to extrapolate what happens on the rest of Mexican public education system.

Key words

School effectiveness, value formation, public education, México.

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Fuentes, S.M. (2009). Eficacia Escolar y Formación en Valores. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(2), pp. 7-28. Cited (Date).