Environmental Values in Educational Processes: Realities and Challenges

This article talks about the relationship about the environmental education with ethics and values, this is a rising field closely linked to civic education. During the first part, Environmentalism is described as an unprecedented social movement on the second half of the twentieth century, the plurality of the political struggle with their pedagogical thesis and their strong value charge, as well as basic coordinates for understanding the main traits of environmental thinking and their vindications are provided. During the second part, the relationship of this way of thinking and the axiological dimension context of the structural and generalized crisis and revises some basic principles to establish ethic speeches with educational general process and specially with environmental education.

Key words

Environmental education, ethic, values, educational process.

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González, E. y Figueroa, L. (2009). Los Valores Ambientales en los Procesos Educativos: Realidades y Desafíos. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(2), pp. 95-115.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol7num2/art5.pdf. Cited (Date).