Teaching Values at a Superior Education Level

This is based in the search for information that would establish the state of knowledge in respect to value teaching at a superior level in Mexico. The criteria utilized for the revision of the information used were: that said information was no older than five years old, it versed about value education, works that included hands on experiences and its field of study concentrated in Mexican superior education. The analysis of the works found allowed us to classify it into five groups with regards of their relationship to any one area of the mentioned topics of interest. Some works search the development of moral judgment in college students; others are studies about the preferred values of students and reports on professional ethics of students that give notice of the efforts made to establish moral education projects; and theoretical works about the teaching of values, or analyze educational policy and the State’s role on moral education.

Due to the subject matter of this paper, value formation and its efficiency, paper development classified into the first two groups is considered important, sketching the rest.

The reviewed investigations showcase a lean contribution of superior education institutions for the development of their students. On the other hand, they find that the family is the main source of student value formation. We conclude with a proposal to recognize the value formation process in order to generate efficient value development proposals.

Key words

Education in values, moral judgment, superior education, Mexico.

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Benitez, A. (2009). La Educación en Valores en el Ámbito de la Educación Superior. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(2), pp. 116-129.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol7num2/art6.pdf. Cited (Date).