The Family-School Relationship: A Condition for Improving Schools Efficiency forValue Formation of Immigrant Children

This article begins with the question, what role does the family play, in a socially vulnerable context, on the efficiency of a schools value formation? Its objective was to analyze several studies and experiences to map out a strategy to improve learning for immigrant children; putting a special emphasis on learning to be, and to interact with others. Before the analysis is made, the theoretical significance of value formation is shown, and its incarnation at school defined: formal (civics and ethics) and informal (school culture and environment). This information was worked as a state of knowledge.

Research about: a) family-school relationship, b) parent representation, c) family’s role in poverty and migration dominated contexts; were analyzed. Several practices that allowed distinguishing between parental education and education for parents were also analyzed.

In conclusion, two probable scenarios are drawn: 1) in contexts where the family is in situation of social vulnerability, the school-family relationship is a factor that marks a significant difference on school efficiency, as understood form a value formation standpoint, 2) if the parents maintain a constant learning process it is a way of reclaiming their dignity, in a school’s environment (interaction might change) and in school culture (because representation, expectation and value judgments, with respect to the schools, are transformed )

Key words

Family, schools, school effectiveness, school environment, school culture, inmigrants.

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Yurén, M.T. y De la Cruz, M. (2009). La Relación Familia-Escuela: Condición de Mejora de la Eficacia Escolar en la Formación Valoral de Niños(as) Migrantes. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(2), pp. 130-150. Cited (Date).