Teachers, Ethic and Civic Formation

It cannot be denied that a solely curricular focused approach is insufficient at changing civic and ethic formation in schools. This is even more so, when the required formative processes are hindered by the continuing presence of certain reasoning logic in regards to citizen forming that built up form a pedagogical standpoint draw away from their potential. That is why the analysis and explanation of what happens at school cannot be viewed only from a written set of rules, which flow from the system to the school, instead, we must look at the logic of said processes as they produce and reproduce themselves in the classroom. This logic may often go against that which is imposed from the outside by curricula.

In this context it is necessary to stop and take a look at what allows us to place so many proposals on the board, without forgetting about the different theoretical and epistemological standpoints which support them and their impact on formation, paying special interest to the concerns regarding the formation deprive the exercise of teaching at schools. Our participation while on this acknowledgment course, seeks to offer a comprehensive view of school dynamics and the distance between teachers and students, that seems to focus on classroom discipline. This situation only makes it more difficult to understand ethics and civic formation due to the fact that teachers have a need to maintain what they call as “minimal respect” and it is expressed as a behavioral discipline which they try to instill on the classroom. We believe that teacher formation in this field should consider these worries in order to create formative strategies on the field. Now more than ever, when the socio-cultural and economical context makes us rethink the ethical dimension of a country that has opened itself to this debate after years of ignoring it.

Key words

Ethic and civic formation, teachers, teachers formation.

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Elizondo, A. y Rodríguez, L. (2009). Los Maestros y la Formación Cívica y Ética. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(2), pp. 151-161.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol7num2/art8.pdf. Cited (Date).