An Approach to the Understanding of Moral Conscience of Basic Education Teachers through an Intervention Project

Value education has taken special relevance in our country, as well as in many others, during the last decades. In Mexico several efforts to promote teacher formation in this area have been made in order to ease their professional development as moral agents. In this way, the subject of schools efficiency is closely linked to the value forming processes in teachers and students. Due to the fact that efficiency cannot be understood without the concepts of quality and equality in education many teachers should reflect critically upon their daily practices.

This article belongs in this process and has the purpose of contributing to a better understanding of basic education teachers’ moral conscience through an intervention program at a public primary school. The methodology was of an interpretative ethnographical type and the sample was comprised of thirteen in front of class teachers. The results show that the teachers have different degrees of moral conscience in the way they interpret and integrate moral concepts to their everyday practice; thus they were grouped into three levels: “comprehensive moral conscience”, “transitional moral conscience” and “refractory moral conscience”. In the same way, it was observed that the motivation and success experienced by these teachers when changing their practices, from a moral viewpoint, is closely linked to their conscience level and moral agency. This study highlights elements to take into account when designing or implementing proposals for more efficient formation that contributes to broadening the socio-moral perspective of the teaching staff and to turn an everyday practice in an opportunity rich environment for the moral upbringing of students.

Key words

Moral conscience, teacher formation, school effectiveness.

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Carbajal, P. (2009). Una Aproximación a la Comprensión de la Conciencia Moral de Docentes de Educación Básica a Través de un Proyecto de Intervención. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(2), pp. 162-184. Cited (Date).