Approaching the Concept of “Entrepreneurial Skills”:
Social Value and Educational Implications

In the framework of the skills-development teaching paradigm, we explore the origin and current meaning of the term, setting out its characteristics and typology and its rapid spread in various different ambits, such as production and business, education and socioeconomics. We then focus on “entrepreneurial skills” as a new typology sharing certain characteristics with the traditional “skills approach” and “key skills”.

In conclusion, we defend the idea that education, beyond training, is a privileged instrument inasmuch as it seeks to build a human ideal through strategies, ways and means, resources, etc. to generate the acquisition of the values, beliefs and knowledge in order to foster the development of skills and give rise to a necessary entrepreneurial culture.

Key words

Skills, entrepreneurial culture, education, socioeconomic development.

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Martínez, F.M. y Carmona, G. (2009). Aproximación al Concepto de “Competencias Emprendedoras”: Valor Social e Implicaciones Educativas. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(3), pp. 82-98. Cited (Date).