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Work Experience and Desertion on the Set of Students Evaluated by
PISA 2003 in Uruguay. New Evidence

In this paper I address the issue of whether labour experiences while in school affect students´ outcomes in terms of future dropout, measured by the first not enrolment episode between ages 15 and 19. I use retrospective longitudinal data for the cohort that took part in the 2003 wave of the Program for International Student Assessment in Uruguay. Discrete time logistic models show previous experience in the labour market increases significantly the odds of dropping out of school once academic trajectory, family origin and other background factors are accounted for, but the amount of these effects depends itself on job characteristics such as the number of hours worked and the age at the first steady job. Overall, results suggest by and large dropout propensity should not be reduced to a simple labour market/school choice.

Key words

School dropout, work, academic trajectories.

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Cardozo, S. (2009). Experiencias Laborales y Deserción en la Cohorte de Estudiantes Evaluados por PISA 2003 en Uruguay: Nuevas Evidencias. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(4), pp. 198-218.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol7num4/art10.pdf. Cited (Date).