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Opinion Studies Employers. Strategy to Improve the Quality of
Non-University Higher Education

We present the results of a case study which examines the views of employers of graduates of Higher Technical University in Business Administration (HTUBA) as a strategy to improve the quality and relevance of the educational program. The goal was to assess the degree of compliance of the professional profile according to the functions, activities, tasks, skills and attitudes of graduates in response to the professional profile requested by the employer and, identify the professional demands facing these graduates. We worked with a convenience sample of 30 employers those to date have recruited a large number of graduates. The results obtained by contrasting the various views, show that employers of medium and large enterprises have high levels of satisfaction at the completion of the professional profile of HTUBA, however, employers in small businesses have a low degree of satisfaction professional performance of graduates, indicating that during their training, graduates have received little preparation for addressing this sector employers.

Key words

Employers, graduate, professional profile, pertinence, quality of education.

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Simón, J.D., Montes, E. y Arellano, L.J.(2010). Los Estudios de Opinión de Empleadores. Estrategia para Elevar la Calidad de la Educación Superior no Universitaria. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 8 (3), pp. 179-203.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol8num3/art11.pdf. Cited (Date).