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Young people and social participation in the education.
An experience in the mid-superior school in Chiapas, México

It presents a Social Participation (PS) experience implemented by the Municipal Council of Social Participation in the Education of Las Margaritas Chiapas (CMPSE), that had as objective to detect the young communitarian leaderships to incorporate them, as representatives of their school centers, into the work that the Council had been developing. It exposes the legal framework and the boundaries established by the Social Participation in the Education (PSE); the process followed during the consultation in the baccalaureates of the municipality and the strategy followed through the “Youth Encounter and Social Participation”, space where the students constituted themselves as a school community of decision.

Additionally, it is exposed the representations and the young’s senses of action towards social participation, emphasizing that the school attributes affect the youthful leadership that is subscribed, as well as the senses given by the PSE, highlighting the comprehension of the mentioned as the decision sphere to improve education quality; and the practical sense of its incorporation to the CMPSE leaving it framed in such improvement and as their contribution to their citizenship. We have found that the possibilities of youthful protagonism are present in these valuations, and that the PSE does not find its impossibility conditions in a supposed apathy or depoliticization.

Key words

Social participation in the education, young, mid superior school, Chiapas, Municipal Council of Social Participation in the Education.

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Estrada, M.J. (2010). Jóvenes y Participación Social en la Educación. Una Experiencia en el Nivel Medio Superior de Chiapas, México. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 8 (3), pp. 149-166.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol8num3/art9.pdf. Cited (Date).