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.2010 - Volumen 3, Número 2
A University System without Restrictions of Access: The Case of Uruguay
Carlos Romero

The Uruguayan education system meets several characteristics that set it apart from most countries in the region.

Those particularities become are a challenge for someone who try to make a case of study that allows comparison with other national situations.

The processes and tools for access to higher education are part of those challenges. The Uruguayan situation could be summarized in a few lines, saying in essence, the university system has free admission to that level of education once they have successfully passed the previous levels of education.

This simple expression contains within itself the reality of the situation but can not assess the reasons that have allowed and the construction of the higher education system in the country, they deserve to be highlighted in their core aspects.

This article will try to help with the presentation of some perspectives that oppose the views of those who understand that the system should remain unchanged because it responds to the needs and the national essence, and those who understand that hides inequities that must be overcome.

.Key words

University, access, education policy, education system, Uruguay.

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Romero, C. (2010). Un Sistema Universitario sin Limitaciones de Acceso: el Caso de Uruguay. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 3 (2), pp. 76-89.
http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol3-num2/art4.pdf. Cited (Date).


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