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.2015 - Volume 8, No 2

The Study of a Leadership Focused on the Improvement, Commitment and Social Justice. The Experience of a Secondary School in Granada (Spain)

Marina García-Garnica and Cristina Moral Santaella

This paper represents one of the case of studies, that are being realiced by the group of research on leadership and educational improvement (RILME) at differents schools of Spain, to contribute to the "International Successful School Principal Project (ISSPP)”. This study was developed in a secondary school located in Granada. The objective of this research is similar to the overall objective of the project: analyze the features and strategies that successful school leaders develop. For the academic year 2013-2014, we have conducted interviews to different members of the educational community in a Secundary School (management team, teachers, mothers and fathers, students and representatives of the Administration). We have used the scripts offered by ISSPP. So is picked up information from different perspectives, at the time that we have analyzed documents of the school. The result findings show a style of leadership post-heroico (Gurr and Day, 2014); the management team, based on the teachers´ work, promotes the improvement ability of the school and promotes commitment to education for social justice..

.Key words

School leadership, Successful practices, School improve, Commitment, Social justice.

.Full Text
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García-Garnica, M., & Moral Santaella, C. (2015). El estudio de un liderazgo enfocado a la mejora, el compromiso y la justicia social. La experiencia de un centro de educación secundaria de Granada (España). . Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 8(2), 149-170.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol8-num2/art7.pdf


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