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.2015 - Volume 8, No 2

Improvement Project in a Primary School in Northwest Mexico

Marina Guadalupe Ocaño Cota, Ana Gloria Jiménez Williams
and Leonardo David Glasserman Morales

This paper presents the experience to perceive an area of improvement in a newly created institution of elementary education in northwestern Mexico, which belongs to a network of schools in the country. The research question was: What is the level of knowledge and application of an educational model based on values by the teachers of a newly established school in northwestern Mexico? The aim of the study was to determine the level of ownership that teachers have on an educational model, with the purpose to determine the implications on the organizational, pedagogical-curricular and social participation of the school management dimensions. A qualitative methodology was followed based on a case study approach where teachers, parents and director of the school were interviewed. Results allowed to define new areas of improvement in the educational model mimic, because the institution has the responsibility to ensure the quality of graduates, the institutionalization of the educational model, the continuity of the system and opening new schools.

.Key words

Improvement project, School, Grade level, School management.

.Full Text
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Ocaño Cota, M.G., Jiménez Williams, A.G., & Glasserman-Morales, L.D. (2015). Proyecto de mejora en un centro Eecolar de nivel primaria en el noroeste de México. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 8(2), 187-199.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol8-num2/art9.pdf


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