2018 - Vol. 7 Num. 2
La Participación Infantil: La Llave para la Construcción de Ambientes Creativos en la Escuela

Children´s Participation: The Key to Creative Environments at School
Research about the construction of creative environments at school emphasizes two imperatives: the freedom of creation and the children´s expression. The current research deepened the meanings of the categories in each field of knowledge, in order to reach understandings that allow improving educational practices. Based on the action-research method, teaching intervention was designed and implemented that promoted participative environments and with it, unveil their relationship in the generation of creative actions by childhood, the above, evidence the complementarity between both environments. When spaces of freedom were opened to build solutions to improve the school, children generated actions that had a positive impact. These actions were endorsed by their peers, teachers and relatives as creative. Faced with this, the children received reciprocal recognition for their contributions, consequently they carried out actions, on their own initiative, outside of the educational environment, so that spaces for creation increased.
Key words
Student participation; Childhood; Social justice; Classroom environment; Creativity.
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Serrano Arenas, D., Soto Espinoza, Y., Arcos Miranda, E., & Jarquín Sánchez, N. H. (2018). La participación infantil: La llave para la construcción de ambientes creativos en la escuela [Children´s participation: The key to creative environments at school]. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 7(2), 71-91.