Inclusive and Exclusive Education. "Voice and Break"

In this text I present some ideas and questions to promote a debate regarding inclusive education and its relation with excluion process, both in education as in society. Inclusive education in not the same process as integration, is not a modern aprroach to special educaton, neither is a subject regarding pupils with special educational needs, but a global process about good education for all.

Key words

Inclusive education, educative exclusión, social exclusion, perspectives in education, integration, pupils with special educational needs, education for all.

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Echeita, G. (2008). Inclusión y Exclusión Educativa. "Voz y Quebranto". Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 6(2), pp. 9-18. Cited (Date).