REICE 2013 - Volumen 11, Número 4
Political education and Evaluator State in Latin America: an analysis beyond the external evaluations

This article discusses the historical conceptions of the State Reviewer in Latin-American, as well as the concept of the state, recognizing the external evaluations largely as government strategies for political actions in basic education. Thus, pedagogical issues pertaining to income are neglected in the educative process. Utilized for this approach to historical-critical methodology, which involves contradictions and interpretation of the social, political and educational in order to analyze the relationship between school performance and teacher training included in this historical context of regulation of state actions Reviewer. The expected results are the reflections on the educational policies of external assessment for education on the discussion of pedagogical learning embedded in the school.

Key words
Public Policy Education, State Reviewer, External Reviews.
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Almeida, M.L.P. (2013). Politicas de educação e Estado Avaliador na América Latina: uma análise para além das avaliações externas REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 11(4), 77-91.
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