School: A Value Based Community Metropolitan Lima Case Study

Nowadays a great number of educational reforms and the innovation processes of the educational systems go through schools as a unit of change and educational improvement. Schools are assuming a lead role and responsibility on the educational action. Nonetheless, the inequality and exclusion gaps that are still palpable in many of our countries demand to shift focus to ethics. And looking into the ethical dimension of the school’s organization that causes us to interpret it as a value base communities.

This article presents the results of a case study, performed at a Coma’s school (Coma is a district in Lima’s Metropolitan area.) considered by the informants as one of the best schools in the zone, and with better results when compared to public schools. We are interested in analyzing the traits that define it as a community. The objective is to understand, coming from the subjects themselves, what the school means, how the idea of community is build and how it takes over the value subject in the schools community.

During this study we found some traces that characterize the schools value community; the unity of values in a family, the adhesion and compromise of the subject matter with the values at schools, the direction that gives orientation to said values, the demands and affection towards students, and the power of ideology and affection as influential factors.

These traits, when present in a value base community school and, some of them, geared as associated factors for research about school efficiency show us the way towards other studies that would delve deeper into the community of values in the schools efficiency.

Key words

Change, improvement, inequality, community, values.

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Diaz Bazo, C. (2009). La Escuela: Comunidad de Valores. Un Estudio de Caso en Lima Metropolitana. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(2), pp. 29-48. Cited (Date).