Impact Evaluation of an Educational Innovation Centre in Chiapas, México.
A Qualitative Evaluation Viewpoint

This document discusses the related concepts of good practices and educational innovation; making a point of stating that the first one is part of a much larger process called “educational innovation”. By means of two pieces of impact evaluation the influence of an educational innovation centre located in the Mexican state of Chiapas. A special interest is taken in pointing out that the INED contributes to the education field on two important indicators related to the players of the educational community with whom it interacts: Innovative Processes that manage the transfer of knowledge and question the practices in place to build and/or reinforce the identity of the teaching staff in regards to their place of origin; on the other hand, it is working on the creation of social capital that feed of the social involvement processes and constant contact between educational communities.

Key words

Educational innovation, evaluation, qualitative evaluation, good practices, Chiapas, México

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Estrada, M.J. (2009). Evaluación de Impacto de un Centro de Innovación Educativa (INED) en Chiapas, México. Una Mirada desde la Evaluación Cualitativa. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(3), pp. 189-206. Cited (Date).