Differences in the Perception of Educational Variables, Before and After the Implementation of Quality Assurance Systems

This article authors ask themselves if the program for quality accreditation in education, based in standard models like EFQM or ISO, improves the work-way and the results of the centre in which it has been applied. To answer to this question the authors applied a survey research methodology. Therefore, an intentional sample was selected: 167 teachers from 12 schools, at different educational steps in which the quality accreditation programs have been implemented.

Survey items are about the three traditional dimensions used in the research evaluation: inputs, processes and outputs. Taking into account all the considerations mention in this article, it can be concluded that teachers observed that schools results and work-ways improved since the accreditation of quality started, and that this improvement is closely related to quality accreditation programs.

Key words

Education, evaluation, quality, accreditation, change.

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Etxague, X., Huegun, A. Lareki, A., Sola, J.C. y Aramendi, P. (2009). Diferencias en la Percepción de Variables Educativas Antes y Después de la Implantación de Sistemas de Acreditación de Calidad. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(3), pp. 7-18.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol7num3/art1.pdf. Cited (Date).