.2020 - Volume 13, No 1

Exploration of the Behavior of an Instrument to Evaluate the Role of Academic Tutoring in the Context of Teacher Training School

Salvador Ponce Ceballos, Yaralin Aceves Villanueva and Brenda Imelda Boroel Cervantes


This paper documents the process and results of an exploratory quantitative approach research exercise on the metric behavior of a questionnaire for the evaluation of university tutors applied in the context of a teacher training school.The work was supported by a questionnaire that evaluates the performance of university tutors under the student accompaniment model, composed of thirty items derived from three dimensions and five competencies. This instrument has been validated and tested in different Mexican higher education context. The results are oriented to a good behavior of the items for the evaluation of the tutors of teacher training school since the test presented a level of adjustment to the model, by items and by response categories. Part of the conclusions point to the importance of continuing to explore the evaluation of tutoring for the improvement of student accompaniment processes and the training of academic tutors, also perform more metric studies of the behavior of the items to improve the evaluation process.

. Key words

Tutoring; Evaluation; Teacher training school; Higher education; Questionnaire.

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. Reference

Ponce, S., Aceves, Y., & Boroel, B. I. (2020). Exploración del comportamiento de un instrumento para evaluar la función de tutoría académica en el contexto de escuelas normales [Exploration of the behavior of an instrument to evaluate the role of academic tutoring in the context of teacher training school]. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 13(1), 139-155.