2020 - Vol. 9 Num. 2
Sostenibilidad Curricular: Una Mirada desde las Aportaciones del Profesorado de la Universidad de Málaga

Curricular Sustainability: A View from the Contributions of Teaching Staff at the University of Málaga
The purpose of this study has been to know the perceptions and competencies of professionals in education at the University of Malaga in the implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development. Following a qualitative methodology, ad hoc semi-structured interviews have been designed based on an interpretative paradigm. The sample has been made up of teachers corresponding to the Degree in Primary Education and Social Education of the University of Malaga. The questions addressed have allowed us to assess the extent to which university professors have integrated the speech of the sustainability on their professional role, as well as the relationships between the university and the need to work an education committed to improving and respecting the environment. Among some of the results obtained, the existence of difficulties in systematically working on sustainability stands out, due to the lack of specific training. Favourable attitudes have been observed in the teaching staff towards introducing changes in their practice aimed at the transversal integration of sustainability, either looking for epistemological links or connections or, where appropriate, emphasizing greater prominence to the acquisition of practical skills in the student learning process. As with other studies, it is clear the importance of interdisciplinary work, permanent training and a predisposition to research.
Key words
Higher education; Curricular sustainability; Teacher; Competencies; Education for sustainable development.
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Alcalá del Olmo, M. J., Santos, M. J., Leiva, J. J., & Matas, A, (2020). Sostenibilidad curricular: Una mirada desde las aportaciones del profesorado de la Universidad de Málaga [Curricular sustainability: A view from the contributions of teaching staff at the University of Málaga]. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 9(2), 309-326.