2020 - Vol. 9 Num. 2
Apoyos para la Calidad de Vida de Escolares con y sin Discapacidad: Revisión de Literatura

Supports for the Quality of Life of Schoolchildren with and without Disabilities: Literature Review
Currently, there is consensus on the need to adopt support approaches aligned with the improvement of quality of life and thus favor the inclusion of students with disabilities, from a perspective of rights and social justice. However, there is little work to design and guide the supports for this purpose, making it necessary to go deeper into the available evidence, and thus provide references and guidelines in this regard. The aim of this work was to review the supports that are implemented with a quality of life approach in ordinary school contexts, identifying the nature of the supports, their link with the dimensions of quality of life, and its characteristics. A systematic review of the literature published in the period 2008-2018 was carried out in the ERIC, PsycINFO, ProQuest Central and Scielo databases. Findings confirm the scarcity of work oriented, implicitly or explicitly, to improving the quality of life, which is even more evident in secondary educational levels. Possible implications for research and practice in the development of integrative frameworks that align rights, supports and quality of life, and promote opportunities for inclusion are discussed.
Key words
Right to education; Inclusive education, Schoolchildren; Skills development; Quality of life.
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Sánchez-Gómez, V., López, M., Amor, A. M. y Verdugo, M. A. (2020). Apoyos para la calidad de vida de escolares con y sin discapacidad: Revisión de literatura [Supports for the quality of life of schoolchildren with and without disabilities: Literature review]. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 9(2), 327-349.