2020 - Vol. 9 Num. 2
Estudio sobre la Calidad de la Educación en Escuelas de Barrios Periféricos de Santiago de Chile: ¿Una Justicia ante la Marginalización Social?

Study on the Quality of Education in Schools of Peripheral Neighborhoods of Santiago de Chile: A Justice in the Face of Social Marginalization?
The country's school reforms have placed special importance on the quality of the standardized results that measure student learning. Performance measurement appears as the gateway to progress. The following contribution deals with the schooling of children in three peripheral communities of the Santiago Metropolitan Region. In particular, we will address the views of teachers from municipal and private subsidized schools. Life in a southern zone population is evidence of what the Peruvian sociologist Aníbal Quijano called the marginal pole and/or social exclusion. This study seeks to reflect on the quality of education, in light of the experience of schools in peripheral neighborhoods. Also, to observe differences between municipal schools and subsidized private schools. For this we will concentrate on the positioning on the SIMCE test. Social justice appears as the entrance to progress based on the quality of education and individual meritocracy; on the other hand, a short-term justice that translates into assuming the conditions of poverty of students and providing socio-affective support.
Key words
Public education; Private education; Academic achievement; Suburbs; Social exclusion.
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Reyes, I. E. (2020). Estudio sobre la calidad de la educación en escuelas de barrios periféricos de Santiago de Chile: ¿Una justicia ante la marginalización Social? [Study on the quality of education in schools of peripheral neighborhoods of Santiago de Chile: A justice in the face of social marginalization?]. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 9(2), 13-27.