2020 - Vol. 9 Num. 3e
Percepciones Docentes sobre los Efectos de la Brecha Digital en la Educación Básica durante el Covid-19

Teacher’s Perceptions of the Effects of the Digital Divide in Basic Education during the Covid-19
Confinement at home as a consequence of Covid-19has given prominence to ICT, revealing itself as a key factor in achieving quality basic education. This work aims to analyze from the teacher’s perspective the impact of the digital divide on the achievement of learning outcomes. The methodological design is quantitative, using the survey technique, to a sample of 252 teachers in the field of basic education in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja (Spain). The results indicate that the fulfilment of the academic objectives is directly related to the access to the technologies and this to the purchasing power of the families. While these factors are important, they do not appear to be sufficient to understand the effects of the digital divide on education in times of pandemic. For this, it is necessary to consider them in an interrelated way along with the complex action of other factors such as the characteristics of the students (degree of autonomy motivation), the digital competence of the educational agents involved (students, teachers, families) or the requirements both structural and organizational of the Administration (coordinated action of the Departments with powers in matters of Education and Social Services).
Key words
Teacher’s perception; Digital divide; TIC; Right to education; Covid-19.
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Montenegro, S., Raya, E., & Navaridas, F. (2020). Percepciones docentes sobre los efectos de la brecha digital en la educación básica durante el Covid-19 [Teacher’s perceptions of the effects of the digital divide in basic education during the Covid-19 ]. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 9(3e), 317-333.